Entry to any of the 24 award categories is FREE, and you can enter as many as you like as long as you feel your entry is robust and meets the entry criteria. All categories are open to any organisation/team(s)/individual operating in, or supplying to, the UK rail industry.
If you have a story to tell that’s worthy of the attention of the UK Rail Industry Awards’ pan-industry panel of judges and would like to win one of these coveted awards then enter today. Simply decide on the categories you wish to enter and submit your entry online at ukria.com.
Closing date for entries has now passed. No more entries will be accepted.
To view the judging criteria click here

UK Train Operators - Brand Reputation & Customer Advocacy
BDRC is pleased to announce the sponsorship of a new UK Rail Industry Award: UK Train Operators – Brand Reputation & Customer Advocacy.
The award is based on the Rail Reputation Index - an independent, multi-client benchmarking programme managed by BDRC, which incorporates survey research with representative samples of the customers of 24 UK train operating companies, as well as online brand sentiment, captured through natural language processing (NLP) technology.
The use of the Rail Reputation Index means that this award is decided not by a panel of judges, but entirely by consumer and stakeholder opinion.
The Rail Reputation Index provides detailed analysis of each brand’s strengths, weaknesses and image positioning, with an emphasis on the emotional dimension of consumer perception, as well as the functional elements of the customer experience. Period-on-period progress updates provide a roadmap to improved performance, with benchmarking against ‘like-for-like’ competitive sets. To find out more click here.

Apprenticeship Development Scheme
Are you committed to developing apprentices and do they play a key role in your overall strategy? This award will recognise teams and organisations that have shown a commitment to recruiting and developing apprentices. If you are operating an apprenticeship scheme for one or more apprentice then you should enter this category.
To enter, click here. To view the judging criteria, click here.

Collaborative Working
BS11000 has now been replaced by ISO 44001 but still provides the strategic framework for organisations operating in or supplying to the UK Rail Industry to develop the policies and processes, the culture and behaviours required to establish successful collaborative business relationships to drive improvement. Enter this category and illustrate to the UKRIA judging panel why your ‘collaboration’ should receive the coveted UK Rail Industry Award.
To enter, click here. To view the judging criteria, click here.

Cost Base Reduction
The UK Rail Industry needs to continually drive down cost whilst increasing efficiency, productivity and safety! How does your organisation strive to deliver on this challenge without compromising on quality? Share some of your cost saving tips with the judges and win this exclusive category.
To enter, click here. To view the judging criteria, click here.

CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility
CSR isn’t just about raising money, writing a cheque and letting someone else do the work! CSR is about how your organisation makes a difference to a community in order to secure a fairer society and a more sustainable future! What is your organisation doing to help society? Satisfy the judges altruistic side and become the UK Rail Industry’s most socially aware award winner.
To enter, click here. To view the judging criteria, click here.
Design Innovation
Do you look for solutions to problems through innovative design? Have you reduced cost or improved performance, quality and safety through design? Tell the judges how the UK rail industry has benefited from your design innovations.
To enter, click here. To view the judging criteria, click here.

Digital Pioneer
How are you contributing to the future age of a Digital Railway and how do you see your organisation delivering products, services and solutions that can offer tangible benefits to the industry and the passenger? The rail industry is committed to a Digital Railway and the judges are eager to learn of your exciting innovations.
To enter, click here. To view the judging criteria, click here.

Faster, greener, quieter! Electrification of key routes across the railway will provide more reliable journeys for thousands of passengers in the United Kingdom. Have you been involved with or are you currently working on an electrification project that could be the winning entry?
To enter, click here. To view the judging criteria, click here.

Environmental & Sustainability
When managing projects, developing new products and delivering your organisation’s/client’s vision how do you manage the impact you have on the environment and how sustainable are your solutions? Tell the judging panel all about your award winning entries.
To enter, click here. To view the judging criteria, click here.

Infrastructure Planning
Failing to plan is to planning to fail! Infrastructure is a vital element to the continued growth of the UK economy and thus it is imperative we get this right. How do you or your organisation deal with infrastructure planning and what have you done to improve the process?
To enter, click here. To view the judging criteria, click here.

Marketing & Communications
How have you delivered key messages to your intended audience over the last twelve months? What have you done differently to engage your audience? And what technology have you used? Whether you have delivered this message through an advertising campaign on TV, in magazines, online, used PR or indeed social media, we want to hear from you.
To enter, click here. To view the judging criteria, click here.

Mobile Technology
Mobile technology has changed our lives revolutionising the way we communicate, shop and stay informed. How are you developing and deploying mobile technology to revolutionise the rail industry?
To enter, click here. To view the judging criteria, click here.

Operator of the Year
Without operators to manage the passenger and freight trains on the rail network there wouldn’t be a rail industry. We are looking for entries from operators who are innovating to improve the services they provide to passengers and businesses alike.
To enter click here. To view the judging criteria, click here.

Outstanding Project
Small: Under £3m
Medium: £3m-£20m
Large: Over £20m
The UK Rail Industry is made up of a whole plethora of ‘Outstanding Projects’ of all shapes, sizes and budgets and all just as important as each other. Draw special attention to your project, be seen in the right place by the right people and win the most prestigious award possible for you, your team and your organisation!
To enter, click here. To view the judging criteria, click here.

Passenger Safety
Safety, Safety, Safety! The UK Rail Industry is one of the safest transportation networks in the world; however, we are not prepared to stop there as the industry continues to look for new ways to improve passenger safety every single day. How are you improving passenger safety?
To enter, click here. To view the judging criteria, click here.

Product & Service Innovation - Network Rail spends circa £7bn annually on products and services alone!
The world is full of innovation and the rail industry is no different, with organisations constantly researching and developing new and innovative products and services with a variety of purposes: improving safety, solving problems, improving efficiency and reducing cost. This is precisely why the UKRIA team have introduced the all new ‘Product and Service Innovation’ category.
This category has been split into two sub-sections, with entries being accepted for both innovations in physical products and professional services. There will be one winner for each of the sub-sections.
What services are you delivering and what products are you supplying that are really making a difference to the UK rail industry?
To enter, click here. To view the judging criteria, click here.

Rail Research and Innovation Implementation
Over the years, the RSSB in partnership with the rail industry and with funding from the DfT has generated a wide ranging portfolio of research and innovation outputs. These cover railway engineering and operations, and range from incremental non product related improvements through to early proof of concept of novel solutions. A very well recognised challenge is for the industry and its supply chain to take these outputs to the next step and use them to improve their businesses and the railway. This award is about recognising and celebrating the drive, ingenuity and successes of those who have accomplished implementation and realised benefits from the cross industry research and innovation programmes managed by RSSB.
To enter, click here. To view the judging criteria, click here.

Recruitment Excellence
Attracting the right people to deliver the joined up vision of a rail industry of the future is vital! How does your organisation attract new talent to this sector? And what is your approach to diversity and inclusion?
To enter, click here. To view the judging criteria, click here.

Signalling & Telecommunications
Without signalling and telecommunications the traffic on the rail network can’t safely and effectively carry passengers and freight from one destination to another. Signalling and telecommunications allows millions of journeys to be made every single day. How is your organisation leading in this field? Tell the judges by entering this category today.
To enter, click here. To view the judging criteria, click here.

Subcontractor of the year – Enter the ‘Subcontractor of the year’ category and win an interview with the editor of RTM!
Without subcontractors, rates of innovation and successful delivery would be greatly reduced. There are literally thousands of subcontractors working in partnership with the rail industry on a plethora of projects across the UK every day. Without subcontractors, projects run the risk of being stifled by a one-size-fits-all solution. Subcontractors combined are by far the largest employer with a wealth of expertise and willingness to innovate every day. The rail industry needs you and the UKRIA judges are looking forward to your entries.
This category has been split into three sub sections for SMEs that fall into each of the following categories as defined by the European Commission:
Micro: A company with less than 10 employees, a turnover of less than £2m or a balance sheet total of less than £2m
Small: A company with less than 50 employees, a turnover of less than £10m or a balance sheet total of less than £10m
Medium-sized: A company with less than 250 employees, a turnover of less than £50m or a balance sheet total of less than £43m
The winning entry from each of the sub-categories detailed above will win an interview with the editor of Rail Technology Magazine (RTM) which will then be published in print to its circa. 149,000 readers and online to its 47,000 unique visitors.
This prize cannot be exchanged for cash or alternative prize.
To enter, click here. To view the judging criteria, click here.

Track Technology
Track Technology has featured heavily over the years in Rail Technology Magazine and many suppliers have used RTM to showcase a wide variety of products and services in this colossal and hugely important area of the industry.
New for the 2016 awards and appearing again in 2018 we have introduced a category specifically for ‘Track Technology’. Judges are looking for the latest innovation in track technology, whether for use on the track itself, or alongside it. Have you increased the efficiency with which it can be lay down, its lifespan, safety or have you developed plug-ins that allow you to monitor or control track more effectively? Whatever the innovation you need to enter the ‘Track Technology’ category of the UK Rail Industry Awards!
To enter, click here. To view the judging criteria, click here.

Traction & Rolling Stock
The 2018 UK Rail Industry Awards intend to fully celebrate, recognise and reward some of the outstanding work being carried out in this area. Are you a manufacturer of rolling stock or do you specialise in the refurbishment? Perhaps you specialise in developing products, services and solutions for traction and rolling stock. The UKRIA judges are waiting for your entries and to learn of the exciting developments in this area.
To enter, click here. To view the judging criteria, click here.

Training & Development
Training and development of the people within your organisation is absolutely essential to ensure they have the right skills and attitude to deliver the rail industry of tomorrow. How does your organisation inspire its workforce through continuous learning and improvement?
To enter, click here. To view the judging criteria, click here.
Workforce Safety
Everyone home safe, every day is Network Rail’s mantra. What’s yours? It is imperative that we take workforce safety extremely seriously and ensure that we create safe and positive environments for our colleagues to work in. Explain to the judges how you manage workforce safety and how this has improved the working environment for your colleagues.
To enter, click here. To view the judging criteria, click here.

Young Rail Professional
Do you employ a ‘Young Rail Professional’? Is this person 30 years of age or under? And what have they achieved to date that is worthy of recognition? Celebrate and reward the Young Rail Professional in your organisation and nominate them today.
To enter, click here. To view the judging criteria, click here.