Vivarail unveils new Class 230 livery as West Midlands Trains deal signed
Vivarail has unveiled a special new livery for the Class 230 trains set to run between Bedford and Bletchley as the contract for the London Northwestern Railway service deal is officially signed.
The two-car units, which will start running on the line in December, have been produced at the company’s Long Marston depot in Warwickshire and will be maintained at the Bletchley depot.
The first of the three new trains—which will all run on the diesel, with the capability to convert to battery power in the future—will begin testing over the next few weeks, with the other two set to follow shortly.

Jan Chaudry-van-de-Velde, managing director of West Midlands Trains, which operates London Northwestern Railway, said he remembers the trains from when they ran along the capital’s Underground, but argued that there’s so much new equipment on-board now that they “look and feel like brand-new trains.”
They now include universal access toilets, USB sockets, and modern ‘airline’ seating.
“Vivarail has done a great job and these trains are an ideal match for this important local service,” the MD continued.
“Our new London Northwestern Railway livery is appearing more and more prominently across the network, and we are proud to be able to share this bespoke version of design for the Marston Vale route.”
The new livery retains the D-Train’s original green-themed exterior, but takes it a couple of tones lower in order to complement West Midlands Trains’ dark-green logo.
Jan Chaudry-van-de-Velde and Adrian Shooter with the new logo and livery
As a whole, the fleet has designed to be quiet, green and clean, using automotive standards to cut down on emissions and noise. It also boasts a lightweight aluminium shell, leading to superior acceleration and less fuel consumed.
Adrian Shooter, former Chiltern boss and CEO at Vivarail, said both his company at West Midlands Trains have worked “tirelessly to bring this to fruition.”
“Everyone is pleased with the look and build quality and I’m very proud of the work my team has done. I am particularly impressed with the London Northwestern Railway livery and their interior designs – they certainly showcase the Class 230 and I think will be well received by Marston Vale’s passengers,” Shooter beamed.
“It is a proud day for me to see this first train roll out of our workshops and I am looking forward to seeing it at Bletchley depot in the near future.”
Shooter’s company has also recently signed a contract to supply a hybrid D-Train fleet for the renewed Wales and Borders franchise.