Vivarail unveil new images of D-Train DMU
People excited about Vivarail’s developments will be pleased to know that the company has released new images of its D-Train DMU – including a first peek at the interior of its carriage.
Last week, RTM reported that the first test run of the battery-powered train had been completed on its test track, snuffing out scepticism that had previously come about from issues the D-Train had experienced in previous tests.

Over Christmas, a test train caught fire causing disruption to services between Coventry and Leamington Spa as well as from Manchester to Bournemouth.
However, writing in the last edition of RTM, Vivarail CEO Adrian Shooter put this down to a “perfect storm” that could not be seen as a threat to the project.

Today, new pictures have been unveiled by the company that show the results of work that saw heavy electro mechanical gear replaced with modern equipment, as well as the installation of two gensets to each power car with a detachable module – a feature that will make train maintenance easier.

Explaining the new works, David King, engineering director at Vivarail, said: “We recently unveiled our battery train, where the batteries are housed in exactly the same framework as the gensets on our DMU.
“By working to this identical design we can keep costs low and build-time fast – each different type of train can be assembled to much the same process so our technicians are able to speedily build a variety of trains for different customers.
“It also means we can build EMUs and hybrids with ease – and looking to the future there is no reason why fuel cells couldn’t be used. Indeed a train running on batteries now could swap over to fuel cells as the technology develops.”
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