The success story of the FLIRT multiple unit continues

The success story of the FLIRT multiple unit continues

Stadler has been awarded with the first FLIRT contract in Lithuania as it celebrates selling 2,500 models worldwide.

Lithuanian railway operator LTG Link and Stadler have signed a contract for delivery of fleet of state-of-the-art FLIRT vehicles.

With the delivery of electric and battery-electric trains, LTG LINK will acquire 15 FLIRT multiple units with further plans to procure up to 13 electric FLIRT intercity units.

The latest order received for the FLIRT model alongside a further four for the Valle D’Osta region in Italy has pushed sales up to 2,500. In Lithuania, In a first call-off, Stadler will deliver nine electric FLIRT for intercity operations and six battery-electric FLIRT which will be operated on non-electrified railway lines. They’ll also have the option to purchase 15 battery-electric FLIRT multiple units with 100km range and 11-battery-electric FLIRT multiple units with a 70km range.

The Stadler FLIRT were designed as four-car articulated traction train end bogies and followed the same philosophy of its articulated railcar. It has been developed extensively over the years with electric traction, hydrogen, battery and diesel options now available, alongside other innovations including its in-house signalling.

Peter Spuhler, executive chairman of Stadler’s Board of Directors said: “When we launched the FLIRT, it was an extremely impressive concept. Being imitated by the major rail vehicle manufacturers was a welcome acknowledgement for Stadler – and a driver for further innovation.

“The success of the FLIRT is a credit to our dedicated team. We are constantly endeavouring to develop and improve the vehicle. The sale of the 2,500th FLIRT is a significant milestone for Stadler, and demonstrates the outstanding quality and performance of our vehicles.”

For Lithuania, the order of the new FLIRT models is a huge step towards the countries sustainability vision. Linas Baužys, head of LTG Link said: “They will bring a significant leap in the quality and experience of train travel for all passengers. The design works of trains adapted specifically for Lithuania will soon begin. Battery-powered trains adapted to harsh climate conditions and wide gauge railways will be produced for the first time in Europe.

“And together with the supplier that won the public procurement, we will ensure their efficient operation for many years,”

Photo Credit: Istock - BalkansCAT

Video Credit Stadler

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