
Severn Valley Railway and Railcam launch livestream camera network

Launching a network of livestream cameras with a round-the-clock feed showing rolling stock movements at key locations along the line. Severn Valley Railway and Railcam have collaborated to launch the range of six cameras for trains at Kidderminster Station, Kidderminster Platform, Bewdley North, Bewdley South, Highley and Bridgnorth. 

SVR’s senior duty officer Dave Brattan welcomed the initiative and said "These cameras will significantly improve the way the duty officer will be able to manage the day-to-day running of the train service and improve how we deal with any delays, to help keep our passengers happy and more informed.

Trains at Kidderminster Station, Kidderminster Platform, Bewdley North, Bewdley South, Highley and Bridgnorth.

"Duty officers will be able to see what’s happening in these locations in real time, which will help us when we are recovering delayed services."

Head of marketing and communications Lesley Carr said: “We’ve worked in partnership with expert livestream consultants Railcam to install and set up our network, which gives viewers a grandstand view at various locations across the railway.

"Railcam’s expertise has been crucial in terms of deciding on the best positions to site the cameras, and ensuring that the microphones don’t capture conversations but do capture all the excitement of heritage locomotives coming and going.

“We are thrilled that our livestream service is up and running in time for our first special event of 2021. The Spring Steam Up starts on Thursday and you’ll be able to view all the train movements at key locations on our 16-mile line.”

The camera network will have an important role to play in assisting the smooth operation of the railway.

All six livestream cameras are now live on the Severn Valley Railway YouTube Channel.  

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