Network Rail is set to carry out essential work across Scotland over Christmas to renew and upgrade key infrastructure across the network.
Engineers will work to relay track, renew junctions and refurbish structures in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Lanarkshire as part of the £17m investment.
Passengers and freight customers will benefit from the work which will take place from Christmas Eve until early January.
Most of the work will take place whilst trains are not running to avoid major disruption to rail services.
Significant activity on the West Coast Mainline however around Uddingston, Motherwell and Carstairs will affect passengers.
Work will be taking place to renew Uddingston Junction from end of service on Christmas Eve until January 2nd.
Over the Christmas and New Year weekends work will take place to install foundations for new overhead powerlines around Carstairs.
Some trains will have to be diverted and others will be replaced by buses for sections of their journey due to the work.
Kris Kinnear, Network Rail Scotland’s Capital Delivery Director spoke on the importance of the work.
Mr Kinnear said: “The work we are undertaking over the festive period is vital to the long-term future of Scotland’s Railway.
“Helping to make our infrastructure more resilient and more reliable, the work we are doing is part of a five-year, £4bn investment in our railway.
“However, such complex improvement work cannot be delivered without some short-term closures of the railway.
“We’re urging passengers on these routes to plan ahead and check their journey in advance.”
Passengers can check how services may be affected by visiting or by checking train operators’ websites.