Work to upgrade the existing retaining wall, via Network Rail

Leven construction work begins second phase

A £116.6m infrastructure project to build a second mile of new track on the Levenmouth Rail Link is currently underway, seeing 19 single track kilometres of new, reinstated railway, Electrification of the line and the erection of two new modern accessible stations.

These works represent the second phase of the project, following the successful completion of the first mile in March. This phase will take the railway closer to Leven and is the first section of the reinstated railway which will be double tracked.

With the first mile completed, it will now go into service as an operational railway which will then enable the engineering rolling stock to assist in the delivery of subsequent phases of work. The operational line will enable the construction supplies to be transported between the sites in a greener fashion, contributing to the reduction in carbon usage throughout the project.

The operational line, whilst aiding in the construction process, could also represent a danger to the local community. The project team are advising local people to not use the area to avoid encountering engineering trains, railway plant and machinery delivering the work.

Joe Mulvenna, Project Manager for the Levenmouth Rail Link Project said:

“We are delighted with progress on the project to date and look forward to continuing to bring the new railway to Leven and the surrounding areas.

“Various elements of work are underway or ongoing all across the route and activity is set to ramp-up even further in the coming months and so we are asking people who have previously used the area to walk dogs, for leisure or for exercise to please find an alternative.

“Increased work activity means more vehicle movements and the first-mile section will be a live railway and so very dangerous. Our priority is safety, both of the local people and for those working hard to deliver the project, and the best way to promote safety is by now asking local people not to continue to use the railway corridor.”

The current stages of works will focus on the rebuilding of the railway solum to ensure it is wide enough to accommodate the two running lines. This comes after the original track being lifted and the removal of existing ballast to reveal the formation level of the track bed. To allow space for the new double-track sections, reprofiling works are required for the embankment adjacent to the line.

The new track-bed will then be formed before ballast which has been stock-piled in Thornton yard which will be delivered to where it is needed ahead of new sleepers being positioned and rails being placed.

This project is currently scheduled for completion in Spring 2024. 

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