The Government are set to introduce the bill today for the next phase of HS2 bringing greener and more reliable travel one step closer.
The High Speed Rail (Crewe to Manchester) Bill will allow for the construction of HS2 between Crewe and Manchester once approved.
This will cut travel times between Manchester and London by around 55 minutes and Birmingham and Manchester by up to 45 minutes.
Around 17,500 jobs will be created as a result of the construction work set to take place with further jobs in the supply chain to follow.
Parts of this new high speed line will also be used by Northern Powerhouse Rail (NPR) services between Liverpool, Manchester and Leeds.
These plans all form part of the Government’s £96bn Integrated Rail Plan (IRP) to bolster rail connectivity in the North and Midlands.
Transport Secretary Grant Shapps spoke on the importance of today’s HS2 bill.
Mr Shapps said: “We are determined to improve transport connections and level up communities across the country.
“This bill marks a landmark moment as we bring HS2 to Manchester and lay the foundations for Northern Powerhouse Rail.
“Our £96bn investment in rail in the North and Midlands and in connecting them to London will bring communities together.
“The Integrated Rail Plan is the blueprint for the government’s commitment to building better transport links, generating prosperity and opportunity across the North and Midlands.”
This comes after HS2 Minister Andrew Stephenson announced HS2 trains will run on zero carbon from day one.
New high speed stations and junctions will be built at Manchester Piccadilly and Manchester Airport as part of the plans laid out in the Government bill.
A new junction near Crewe will also be developed to give Crewe the potential to be a Hub station in mid-Cheshire with the capacity to accommodate more trains.
Cheshire and Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership are eager to see the completion of HS2 projects in the Cheshire area.
Clare Hayward MBE, DL, Chair of the Cheshire and Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership said: “High speed links to the airport, and Manchester and beyond are a key part of this [ensuring Warrington and Cheshire is properly connected].
“Providing easy access to good employment opportunities as well as ensuring our vital industries.
“Crewe has a proud rail heritage and has long been seen as the gateway to the North.
“Today’s announcement is an important step in it continuing to be so.
“I look forward to seeing the project progress and come to fruition, providing economic benefits to all our area and the people who live here.”
The IRP is the biggest ever public investment into Britain’s rail network and will deliver a modern and fully connected network to the North and Midlands.
This will help boost local economies in the regions through improved reliability and connectivity.