ScotRail announces all trains now fully accessible
Today (June 12th) ScotRail have confirmed that all their operational trains on Scotland’s Railway are now fully accessible, following the withdrawal of its Class 68 loco-hauled services.
Two Class 68 trains which had been in use since 2015, were removed from passenger services on Friday 29th of May, operated four services each day in Fife.
Their removal from service now means that every train ScotRail’s fleet meets with the technical specification for interoperability for persons with reduced mobility (PRM-TSI) standard.
Previously, ScotRail had a small number of high-speed trains which did not meet the required accessibility regulations.
Classic high-speed trains were used as a provisional measure due to the late delivery of ScotRail’s fleet of renovated high-speed Inter7City trains.
The train operator removed the last of the classic high-speed trains from operation on Tuesday 31 March 2020.
Patrick Nyamurundira, ScotRail Access and Inclusion Manager, said: “We’re committed to making Scotland’s Railway open and accessible for all, and the withdrawal of our Class 68 loco-hauled services is another huge step towards this.
“By operating a fully accessible train fleet, we hope that when we can welcome people back to the railway, it will give more customers the confidence and freedom to travel by rail.”
Image: ScotRail