Rugby ROC opens to take over Stafford Area signalling
One of the 12 Network Rail operating centres nationwide was opened last week as part of the long-term strategy to replace antiquated signal boxes and streamline the signalling workforce.
The Rugby Rail Operating Centre (ROC) is one of a dozen that will eventually control the entire rail network in Britain, replacing more than 800 signal boxes and other operational locations.
All centres will boast more advanced signalling tools and technology to help reduce delays, improve service performance, increase capacity and enhance passenger information. Six of them – Rugby, Manchester, Basingstoke, York, Romford and Three Bridges – are brand new.
The £22m building, built by Morgan Sindall, was formally opened by Cllr Michael Stokes, leader of Rugby council, joined by Network Rail’s route managing director Martin Frobisher.
Cllr Michael Stokes and Network Rail's Martin Frobisher
And Andy Scott of Network Rail, who has overseen the centre’s progress, said: “This new rail operating centre is an essential part of our railway upgrade plan to provide a better service to passengers and will make sure Rugby is a key location on the railway map for decades to come.
“When fully operational, it will help to boost performance, increase capacity and provide a better level of service to passengers. It will also help the railway recover more efficiently during periods of disruption.”
Scott was previously interviewed by RTM when he was focusing on the Manchester ROC.
The Stafford Area, being upgraded as part of a wider £250m project being delivered an innovative ‘pure alliance’ that has been shortlisted in the UK Rail Industry Awards 2016, was the first section of railway to be controlled from the ROC. The next section will be in the Norton Bridge area near Stafford from Easter 2016.
Control for other areas will be migrated to the building over the coming years when they are resignalled.
When fully operational, Network Rail expects to have up to 400 staff working from the centre.