MPs launch their own inquiry into Network Rail’s CP5 difficulties
The Commons Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has launched an inquiry into Network Rail’s 2014-2019 rail investment programme.
Drawing on evidence from the National Audit Office, the inquiry will examine the current difficulties in delivering the planned programme, to understand how rail investment is planned; and how CP5 differs from the 2009-2014 CP4 investment programme and the implications of the decision to reclassify Network Rail as a public sector body.
Additionally, the influential committee will look at how and when concerns were raised about CP5 and how the government is responding.
This, effectively, becomes the fourth major review into Network Rail’s CP5 workbank, as everyone in the industry and government awaits Sir Peter Hendy’s review into the deliverability of Network Rail’s CP5 enhancements programme.
As RTM recently reported, the terms of reference confirm that “all CP5 enhancements projects and programmes are in scope for this review, including those included in the Investment Framework and ringfenced funds”.
The terms of reference for the other reviews into Network Rail, the Shaw Report and the Bowe Review, have also been published.