Trouble brewing for high speed plans
MPs are reporting a backlash against high speed rail plans in their constituencies, as residents worry about the effect which the line would have on their communities.
Some are worried about the affect on house prices in their areas and others are concerned about the amount of noise which the line will create.
One minister said that local feelings were so strong on the subject that people had to be turned away from one meeting because there was simply no more room.
Health Minister Mike O’Brien said: “It was packed even before the scheduled start time. We were in danger of breaching fire regulations so had to turn people away.”
Another MP is campaigning to keep the high speed rail line as far away from his constituency as possible.
Tory whip Michael Fabricant said: “While the high speed rail link will be good for Britain as a whole and something we should all support in principle, the trains will not stop in Lichfield, but will whistle by at 250 miles per hour. Journey times to London via the existing Virgin Pendolino service will be considerably quicker than taking the train to Birmingham and changing onto a high speed train down to London.”
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