
Last-ever Electrostar finished in Derby as 18 years of production come to an end

Last week saw the construction of the final Electrostar carriage, a model which has been produced since 1999 and served 12 different companies.

The first-ever batch of the EMU carriages was produced 18 years ago for c2c, but they have since been used across the UK and even distributed to South Africa.

The final carriage marks the 2,805th to be constructed at Bombardier’s Derby Litchurch Lane facility, with engineers, company bosses and local MP Margaret Beckett attending a sending-off ceremony to celebrate to the occasion.

Electrostar c. Bombardier

Electrostar edited

Richard Hunter, Bombardier’s UK managing director, said: “After 18 years, 12 different customers, and over 2,800 vehicles, we are celebrating the completion of the very last Electrostar with our customer Porterbrook and operator Great Western Railway (GWR).

“We are all immensely proud of the Electrostar, a train designed and built here in Derby, and which can be found across Britain’s railways, and in South Africa. The train has been a stunning success and that is tribute to our brilliant and highly skilled workforce.”

DSC 1001 1

Today the Electrostar is seen as Britain’s most common electric train, but in 2010-11 a batch of the trains were sent out to South Africa for use in the Gautrain system between Johannesburg, Pretoria and the Johannesburg International Airport.

The final batch of Electrostars are expected to be delivered soon, with only two remaining of the 45 ordered by GWR.

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Thames Valley Traveller   28/11/2017 at 12:57

Why has production finished? No more orders or are the rules changing yet again. Looks far more practical than 345s for Crossrail, which are NOT welcome on Thames Valley services as the lack toilets. May be a court order to stop TFL inflicting those should happen.

John Drake (Ex-Southern_   28/11/2017 at 13:00

Had the pleasure of driving the 377 for Southern for a very brief period before a short illness saw me off the job, nice train to drive, clean and comfortable, still drive it now on my Train Simulator software (the only way I can drive my old routes). Well done to all at Bombardier. I enjoyed the ride.

Merseyferry   28/11/2017 at 13:13

This is a fantastic achievement for British designed and built railway vehicles. I worked at Derby for 7 years and met some very good highly skilled tradesmen, they were passionate about there work and loved keeping the train building going in Derby, the last of the ex BR factories to do so. We need the govermnent whoever they may be to invest in this site so that we can compete with overseas competition. Once its gone its gone. To all my friends and colleagues in Derby a big well done.

Andrew Gwilt   28/11/2017 at 13:41

The question is. Where will the Class 379’s go to if they are being replaced by the Class 745’s and Class 720’s. Could they be transferred to East Midlands Trains to operate on the London St. Pancras-Corby service as the electrification to Kettering and Corby has started.

Burtocamb   28/11/2017 at 15:57

Congratulations indeed, not least in actually exporting kit to South Africa. Trouble with Bombardier, it isn't a UK company so the owners export from other factory sites around the world. Great pity, but i hope the firm is lobbying to sell Class 345 derivativers overseas 'cos, my God, we so need to export!

Allhailthegwilt   28/11/2017 at 16:09

Andrew, I don't think anybody is asking that question. Enough of the incessant speculation on train fleet redistribution. Who cares?! Keep your comments relevant to the article, please.

Roger, Ex-Litchurch Lane   28/11/2017 at 16:39

After several years working on, in but mainly under Electrostars it's the end of an era indeed. However, with the massive Aventra orders in place "capacity" is the word. Also my current job with a competitor brings home how big some Electrostar traction modules are compared with latest practice. Sad, but Electrostar is a bit long in the tooth now.

Huguenot   28/11/2017 at 21:57

Sorry to see the end of Electrostar production. They are (were) a good train. We briefly enjoyed them on Thameslink before those horrible and uncomfortable 700s came along. I too have suggested displaced Electrostars for St Pancras-Corby, but the trouble is that they are 100mph maximum and we need 110mph at least so as not to eat up capacity on the crowded MML. Maybe Bombardier could look at uprating some of them?

Andrew Gwilt   28/11/2017 at 23:02

@Allhailthegwilt Oh I’m sorry that I couldn’t keep it to myself and you didn’t like what I said. How about no. TROLL!

Andrew Gwilt   28/11/2017 at 23:13

@RTM do you really allow this kind of harrasment because it feels like I’ve been admitted.

Andrew JG   28/11/2017 at 23:44

Bombardier have manufactured at least 480 trainsets (2805 vehicles) Electrostar EMU rolling stocks over a decade. Or nearly 20 years since the first Electrostar Class 357’s was manufactured in 1999 for c2c (previously LTS) to replace the Class 310’s and Class 312’s Slam Door EMU stocks. c2c-74 Class 357 4-Car units (some converted as Class 357/3’s metro) and 6 Class 387 (Class 387/3) 4-Car units (on hire until 2019 because of 18 new trains (64 carriages) have been ordered for c2c). Southeastern-112 Class 375's 3-Car, 4-Car and 5-Car units, 36 Class 376's 5-Car units and 25 Class 377's 4-Car units (23 Class 377/5’s transferred from Thameslink and 2 Class 377/1’s transferred from Southern). Southern-212 Class 377's 3-Car, 4-Car and 5-Car units (formerly 214 Class 377’s units with 2 Class 377’s have been transferred to Southeastern. With some were used on Thameslink (previously First Capital Connect)). Before Class 700’s were first introduced and started passenger service last year. That also replaced the Class 319’s. London Overground-57 Class 378 5-Car units (formerly 3-Car & 4-Car units before upgraded to 5-Car units). With some to be transferred to East London Line and North London Line services to increase capacity because of Class 710’s will be replacing them on the Euston-Watford DC Line service. Greater Anglia (Stansted Express)-30 Class 379 4-Car units. But are to be replaced by Class 720’s and/or Class 745’s from 2019. Great Northern-29 Class 387 4-Car units (transferred from Thameslink (previously First Capital Connect)). Gatwick Express-27 Class 387 4-Car units. As they have replaced the 24 5-Car Class 442’s. Great Western Railway-45 Class 387 4-Car units. As they have replaced the Class 165’s and Class 166’s on Thames Valley services (between Paddington-Reading/Didcot Parkway). And finally Gautrain-24 4-Car units (operates across Johannesburg and Petoria in South Africa).

Andrew JG   28/11/2017 at 23:47

Plus I’ve been on the Class 357’s, Class 379’s and Class 377’s. I do like them. Bombardier have done a good job with manufacturing these Electrostar units.

Jim   29/11/2017 at 07:33

Where have you been admitted Andrew? You might want to bear in mind what you have just said to RTM next time you start harassing people too - calling people morons of telling people to go and die is exactly the kind of conduct that you are complaining about when it’s directed towards you. However, the comments directed towards you are not a patch on the vile language and threats you use.

Andrew Gwilt   29/11/2017 at 09:36

Jim. Do I use vile language. Not every time. I wanted to swear but swearing on here isn’t a option and I have read the terms and conditions.

Bombardier Gwilt   29/11/2017 at 16:01

Andrew. The question of your language is questionable but the sheer volume of it is even more disturbing. Under one of your numerous aliases (Andrew JG) above we get all that un-necessary verbage about the allocation of every wheel nut produced, we don't want or need that! You bring this "Publication" down to the level of TrainSpotters Weekly with your trash, please just bin it! I shall now prepare for the customary name-calling, dares to have you banned and other such sundry tat that are your one and only forte.

R Nosgrove   29/11/2017 at 16:34

@Jim: If he's capable of understanding and complying with the T&Cs regarding swearing, he should be quite capable of understanding why other commenters find his behaviour offensive and doing something about it. Instead he takes the lazy option, uses his condition as an excuse for doing nothing, and makes it everyone else's problem ("I don't care. Ban me if you can, or sod off"). Proper moderation (preferably with registration of commenters and banning of persistent offenders) is surely the only way to restore some semblance of professionalism to these comments. I have emailed the Editor about this and would suggest that others do the same.

Andrew Gwilt   29/11/2017 at 19:55

Well there's me defeated and lost. Go ahead then. Ban me.

Mikeb   29/11/2017 at 22:14

Fellas. Andrew is obviously an ardent railway enthusiast whose interest seems to relate to train fleets and which Train Fellas, Fellas, Andrew is obviously an ardent enthusiast whose main interest is train fleets and which Train Operators are ordering and running them - particularly Greater Anglia. Nevertheless, this a forum and he can say whatever he likes, within guidelines. So, whilst his posts can be repetitive and boring at times, the best thing is to ignore them.

Anonymous   30/11/2017 at 02:24

Excellent achievement from Bombardier. Now they can crack on with manufacturing the Aventra stocks. Including the continuing production of the Elizabeth Line Class 345’s and the London Overground Class 710’s.

Simon Eames1990   30/11/2017 at 22:19

The 387s in my opinion are the best Eletrostars mainly because of their max speed of 110 mph.

Andrew JG   02/12/2017 at 02:49

Only some Electrostars have been tested to travel up to 110mph. The rest of the Electrostar fleets can travel at a maximum speed of 100mph and the Class 376’s and Class 378’s have a maximum speed of 75mph.

Banthegwilt   16/12/2017 at 21:08

Why is it every single thread has a completely useless comment by this Andrew JG or Andrew Gwilt... Have you got a job on the railway? Do you know anything about the railway beyond the huge speculations and rubbish you come up with and make it seem like it's happening? Under your theory of thinking because TFL are replacing the 1973 and 1973 stock they could make them run shuttles from gatwick to Victoria to displace the 387s to run the Marshlink line from ashford which will in your imagination land will mean the 1973/1967 stock will be fitted with pantographs so that the 171's can move to the Harwich line so the Abillio or Abellio you change the spelling oh so often, can replace there fleet of god knows what. It's an enormous bore to find a AJG comment of pure rubbish on every thread, if your going to say your speculating say you are speculating, if your posting fact (look up the word in the dictionary) then say your posting fact.... Or get a job for a red top newspaper. They don't usually care about facts

David Glass   04/03/2018 at 14:02

Production hasn't come to an end altogeather for Bombardier which is actually a Canadian company based here in the UK at Derby. Not a British company as some may think. It's just the end of production for that particular model of train. Bombardier will now be focusing on building a new type of train, especially those for Greater Anglia.

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