Latest Rail News


Huddersfield test site will allow technology to reach tracks faster

A one-of-a-kind test facility created to fast-track new rail technology has opened in Huddersfield.

The £4.5m Centre for Innovation in Rail features a 150-ton test rig, funded by the Regional Growth Fund, which is the only one of its kind in Europe.

The facility is run by the University of Huddersfield, which is partnered with the RSSB through the Institute of Railway Research Strategic Partnership.

RSSB members will be able to use the rig to carry out a wide range of experiments on a full-sized railway bogie – thus allowing for in-depth investigation of issues around the contact area between the wheel and rail in a secure environment.

This will allow new products to enter operation more quickly, improving the safety and capacity of trains, providing a better customer experience, and reducing cost and greenhouse gas emissions.

According to the RSSB, the test facility is the only of its kind in Europe.

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Lutz   01/11/2016 at 19:41

Out of interest; would it have it been better to locate the facility near an existing rail engineering centre to benefit from agglomeration of skills and expertise?

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