DfT names new Rail Executive boss
Bernadette Kelly has been appointed as the Department for Transport’s new director general for the Rail Executive, replacing Clare Moriarty who is to taking over as permanent secretary at the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra).
Prior to her new appointment, Kelly was the director general for Business and Local Growth at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), where she was responsible for the government’s policy towards business sectors including advanced manufacturing and services as well as local and regional growth.
Kelly will take over in late September and will start with a period of induction, including time spent out and about with the rail industry.
Speaking about her new role, she said: “I’m delighted to be joining DfT to lead the Rail Executive. There are clearly big challenges ahead for the rail industry in the UK and I’m looking forward to working with the sector and my team to deliver a great train service for the public and help grow the economy.”
Ahead of Kelly’s arrival, Brian Etheridge will continue to act as director general on an interim basis.
(Image: c. BIS)